Hunter Valley Studebaker Drivers Club Inc 2024 Social Calendar



Sunday 8th Donuts and Derelicts cafe Pennoa Tuggerah 7am meet there.
Saturday 21st Surf Sand and Cars Lakeas Beach Budgewoi 8am

Saturday 3rd

Harrigans at Cameron Park dinner 5pm 70 McKendry Dr. Cameron Park.







Saturday 16th

Ladies Luncheon at toronto 12 Midday, the Boulevarde Cafe, Larder Gifts and Fragrances, Toronto town square 21-23the Boulevarde Toronto Boulevarde Cafe Larder Gifts and Fragrances - Cafe & Gift Shop in Toronto (


Mens Luncheon at Toronto Hotel 12midday victory Parade

  Numbers needed please let Julie Pead know if you are going ASAP
Saturday & Sunday 23rd & 24th Nostalgia Fest Kurri Kurri weekend

Australian Studebaker Car Clubs - 25th Nationals, Tamworth, NSW.
Registrations are now open for this event so you can organise your plans well in advance.

Being hosted by Studebaker Car Club of Newcastle.

Saturday 20th HVSDC !0th Anniversary. sarting at Mike Neiderpruems home at 9:30am sharp and then onto Maitland Golf Club 12midday foe lunch, 2 Tenambit Street east Maitland
Saturday 27th



Saturday 18th

Morning tea and lunch outing starting at Peter & Kerry Macs place 9:30am at 304 Skye Point Rd Coal Point, parking at Gurranbe reserve, walk to the waterfront and turn left, walk along the waters edge to the second house. Lunch is at the Royal motor yacht club 6 Arnott Ave Toronto. We are booked into Emersons (restaurant inside the club) on the lake 12md. If you think it is too wet and don't want to park on the reserve bring your brand X.


Sunday 19th Tilligerry Motorama, Tilligerry RSL sports Club, Lemon Tree Passage Road, Tanilba Bay

Saturday 1st

HVSDC Half way meet with NSW Club at Gosford Regional Gallery. 12 Midday lunch, Top Point Cafe, 36 Webb St East Gosford, The gallery is open at 9:30 am to 4pm. Much to see so get there anytime to browse. As usula we need numbers ASAP to book so please let Julie or Arthur know.





Saturday 13th Saturday

Chocolate Shop 10:30am sharp for arrival, Unit11/30 shipley Drive, Rutherford. This is Glagys's business that she has kindly offered to openfor our perusal. There are lots of different chocolates to taste. Gladys is going to talk to us about the history of chocolate businesses. How they started and where they are today. After the talk you can purchase as many of the different choclates as you like.

Followed by Lunch at the Bradford Hotel Rutherford 12:30pm 358 New England Highway Rutherford 2320. Bellbird Workers Auto Restorers have been invited too join us.

  Glader Confectionery – Distributing Quality Chocolate & Cherishables to your door!


Saturday 3rd

Outing with Bellbird Workers Auto Restorers TBA

Saturday 14th Sunday 15th

Waiting for confirmation for the below

SCCNSW Club Run - Stude Club NSW, Activities ( for more information

Our accommodation can be arranged for those interested in staying for the weekend.

Please see the Holiday Inn flyer >here<.

You need to book accommodation asap, as rooms are not being held for us.

Contact Robyn if you need more information.

 Saturday - International Drive Your Studebaker Day.

This is optional, and can be anything that you decide to do on the day in your Studebaker.

You might like to go for a convoy drive around the local area, have a picnic in a park, go to the pub, or whatever you fancy as a group.

We would suggest that vehicles on conditional rego, to use your log book for the IDYSD outing.

 Sunday - SCCNSW "Concours" / Show and Shine, St Marys Rugby League Club.

We will be judging "Top 10" best presented cars on the day.

Contact Dennis Ward if you need more information.




Saturday 15th

Mumm’s on Myall for Lunch at 46 Marine Drive Tea Garden11:30am for Lunch PLEASE CONTACT EITHER ARTHUR OR JULIE P AS WE HAVE TO BOOK SEATING .



Saturday 2nd

Picnic day TBA

Sunday7th or 8th

Club Christmas Party TBA


This is the social calendar at thie stage and hopefully we are able to attend all of these outings and will not have to cancel any. Thank you in advsnca for your consideration Re: the following - At least a week befroe outings could all members please contact either Arthur of Julie by eamilo or phone as bookings have to be made well in advance for each event. Thankyou, Happy Studebakering.


  Could all club members who have club plates PLEASE contact the club registrar TONY PEAD either by phone 0418688117 or by email each time you use your car as it is required by law . In addition the HVSDC is registered with the RMS on the conditional registration 60 day Log Book plan. Read about it here  Thank you